Traditional vs. Modern Communication Tools


Regardless of what communication medium a PR practitioner uses, the overall goal is to disseminate information for the good of the public.  There are two main ways to distribute public knowledge effectively, this includes traditional and modern communication tools. While these two are vastly different, they are similar in nature.

Traditional Communication tools are characterized as:

mostly one-way communication channel with limited feedback opportunities and

staffed by gatekeepers including editors that a PR practitioner must surpass

However, Modern Communication tools are more characterized as:

cheap, free and mass distributed channels

new media (i.e. mobile devices, social networking sites, etc.)

Even though the differences are apparent – these tools are constructed merely for the audience’s interest. For example, if a customer does not use the internet to receive their daily information, then the organization would not use Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram to inform that individual. They may instead call or send something through the mail.


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